
Steps To Get Better Sleep

You are not fated to turn and toss every single night. Think about all the reasons that affect your night’s sleep. Is it some work stress or family responsibilities? Even if you can’t control the interfering factors, you can still get good sleep by adopting some healthy habits.

Here are some simple and practical tips to get better sleep; let’s start with some simple ones.

Stick to your sleeping schedule
Seven hours is the healthy amount of sleep recommended for an adult. Try to fix your sleeping schedule. Go to bed and wake up according to the program every day. Don’t exceed the one-hour difference in sleep timing on weeknights and weekends.

Your consistency will reinforce the sleep and wake cycle for your body. After going to bed, if you don’t fall asleep in 20 minutes, then leave the bed and do something relaxing. Get back to bed when you feel tired.
Pay proper attention to your eating habits.

Try not to go to bed when you are stuffed or hungry. Avoid eating heavy meals before going to bed, as the discomfort can be the reason for your insomnia. Besides, be careful of taking Nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. Their stimulating effects will take hours to fade and disrupt your sleep quality.

Alcohol makes you sleepy at that time but can be a big disturbance later.

Limit day naps
Your long day naps can impact your night’s quality sleep. If you still have to take a day nap, then limit it to 30 minutes and avoid doing it on a late day. But if you are working at night, you may have to take a day nap to make up for your night sleep debt.
Include Physical activity in your daily routine
Daily physical activity benefits getting a quality night’s sleep. Avoid physical activity close to your bedtime. It can be beneficial to spend some time outside.
